Nondiscrimination Statement

Last updated May 10, 2023

At Internset, our mission is to facilitate economic opportunities that lead to improved lives for individuals. Central to this mission is our commitment to ensuring equal access to these opportunities for all qualified talent within our community, regardless of background, nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, actual or perceived disability status, veteran status, marital status, or any other protected characteristics. We strive to foster an inclusive environment where every member of our community feels welcome and valued.

As a condition of using our platform, you are expected to adhere to the principle of non-discrimination and refrain from engaging in any unlawful discriminatory or harassing conduct. Such behavior is strictly prohibited on Internset, and we do not condone any actions that may violate local laws or expose users to legal liability. Upholding this policy is of utmost importance to us, and we will take necessary actions to enforce it.

In the event that any user is found engaging in discriminatory or harassing activities, appropriate actions, including account closure, may be taken to maintain a safe and respectful community. We encourage all members of Internset to report any instances of discrimination or harassment to us at Your cooperation in bringing such matters to our attention helps us uphold our commitment to providing an inclusive and supportive platform for all.

We believe that diversity and inclusion are fundamental pillars of a thriving community, and we remain dedicated to cultivating an environment that celebrates the unique talents and perspectives of every individual on Internset. Together, we can foster a positive and empowering experience for all our users, creating a platform where everyone can flourish and seize promising opportunities.